James Yoo

Restoring A Hacked Website

05 June 2020 — Written by James

A couple of weeks ago, I had a chance to restore one website that had been hacked by a hacker. Since I think it was a valuable experience experience to me, I wrote the below record in case.


  • A Wordpress website had been hacked
  • Once a user visited the website, they were redirected to website(s) the hacker(s) chose.
  • I could not access wp-admin since I was redirected to another website right away.

Derived Problems

  • The website was supposed to be removed from or blacklisted by search engines.

    • Since the problem was found after a few days after the incident, it did not happen yet.


  • The address js.digestcolect.com was used for redirection

    • In header, js.digestcolect.com was used for pingback
    • Near the end of body, I found that several scripts were added. The scripts did the follow:

      • Once a user visits the website, the script had been executed. They were redirected to some websites. (not js.digestcolect.com).
      • The hacker used Wordpress Elementor plugin and Sydney theme to achieve the above.
      • The plugin and theme had not been updated for a while.

Solution - General

  • Visited its hosting website right away

    • To check whether somebody tried to sign in its hosting account
    • It was not affected, so I changed its password first
  • Changed passwords for 1) database and 2) FTP

    • After you change the database password, check the website again.
    • Change the FTP password as well. In this case, failure to change the FTP allowed the attacker to implement sitemaps and a file to do Google Analytics verification.
  • Did Curl on Terminal to see what caused such redirection.

    • Useful to know which part caused redirection.

Solution - Database

  • Accessed the database and checked all tables

    • wp_options are commonly used to achieve redirection. (In particular, the address)
    • Looked up wp_statistics_visitor to know 1) when and 2) how the attack was happened.

Solution - Wordpress

  • Checked the theme and plugin's files whether the attacker also changed the files.

    • Both Sydney theme and Elementor plugin had been manipulated.
    • The result of doing Curl was helpful. (because I found which parts caused the redirection problem)
  • Found the scripts implemented in the files of the theme and plugin, and removed the parts
  • Signed in Wordpress admin page

    • Install security-related plugins, if there isn't any
    • Update all themes and plugins
James Yoo