James Yoo

Making Single-Page App in React with Django

01 February 2020 — Written by James

Creating a single page app in React is getting easier than the past. There are many readings on blogs, Stackoverflow and Github talking about making a SPA using React, and it should be sufficient in many cases. A few days ago, I have encountered a problem: How do I use Django and React together? This reading is for a reference for myself and those who are interested in deploying a SPA in React with Django and implementing JWT authentication together.


Django: 3.0.2 python: 3.8.1 react: 16.12 react-router-dom: 5.1.2 I am using macOS Catalina (10.15.1) for this reading.


pyenv & Python

We are going to create a Django project and virtual environment first. Visit pyenv repo and install pyenv-virtualenv. After installing pyenv, install python for pyenv with:

pyenv install 3.8.1


To install pip, run:

sudo apt-get pip
pip install --upgrade pip

Making A Virtual Environment

Let's begin. To save a project locally, create an empty directory and move:

mkdir projectEnv
cd projectEnv

Once we are in projectEnv directory, make a virtual environment to avoid a dependency issue. Run the following command to create a virtual environment that uses Python 3.8.1 version. I used the same name of the directory:

pyenv virtualenv 3.8.1 projectEnv

After, we need to set the projectEnv directory to use the virtual environment, and confirm the python version of the environment:

pyenv local projectEnv
python --version // Python 3.8.1

If everything is okay, you will find that command line looks slightly different like the below:

(projectEnv) james@James projectEnv

Django Init

There are multiple ways to install Django. In order to get the latest official version, install it using pip:

pip install Django==3.0.2

Vertify the version by the following command:

python -m django --version // 3.0.2

Run the following command to 1) create a Django project myProject and 2) go to inside of the project:

django-admin startproject myProject
cd myProject

In order to check whether it is running well or not, there is no better way other than trying it out.

python manage.py runserver

The above command will show you the beautiful a Django default landing page!

Django default landing page


There are a few ways to install and deploy React app, but I personally prefer an easier way always.

Create a python app using the following command:

python manage.py startapp frontend

To set up a react app, execute the following:

npx create-react-app frontend-react

You would be able to find a frontend and frontend-react directories inside of myProject directory.

Let's move to frontend-react and see if it is working.

yarn start // OR the below is possible too
npm start

React default landing page

Django Rest & JWT

Before we proceed to further, let's move react files into Django app just in case. Copy evert file in frontend-react and paste them in frontend folder. (frontend-react folder can be deleted once files are pasted)

Copying files in frontend-react and pasting them in frontend directory

In the terminal, run the following command to move to frontend (I assume that we are in frontend-react folder)

cd ... // move to projectEnv/myProject
cd myProject 

To achieve our goal (i.e, react SPA with Django and Auth), we need to install Django, Django REST framework, Django REST framework JWT and Django CORS headers.


Type the following to install the mentioned package:

// Assumption: we are in projectEnv/myProject

pip install django // Might be installed already
pip install djangorestframework
pip install djangorestframework-jwt
pip install django-cors-headers

Now, we need to update our settings.py. In the file, add the followings:



    // This should be included already. Here for reference





  • In MIDDLEWARE, the order must be kept.
  • DEFAULT_PERMISSION_CLASSES enforces a request to be authenticated before processed.
  • DEFAULT_AUTHENTICATION_CLASSES defines which authentication class the server will use once received a request.
  • CORS_ORIGIN_WHITELIST is needed so that React app can communicate with the server.

To see how jwt token works, we will also configure urls.py

from rest_framework_jwt.views import obtain_jwt_token
urlpatterns = [
    path('token/', obtain_jwt_token)

We are almost ready. Update the app by migrating, and create a super user:
Assumption: we are in projectEnv/myProject
python manage.py migrate
python manage.py createsuperuser

Once you type the last line, you will be asked to enter username, email address and password for the username. That's it!

Now, let's test how it looks. Run the following command,

python manage.py runserver

and visit http://localhost:8000/token/, typing username and password.

James Yoo